Virtual Health Center is an on-line resource for health care issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
Many professional services are provided including:
All Solano Community College students are eligible to use the Health Center.
The health services are paid for by the $17.00 health fee charged to each student during registration every semester.
Solano Community College has a staffed Health Center for use by full and part-time students. A Public Health Nurse is available:
Call the Campus Emergency number, 911. The campus police will be contacted to respond.
Explain what the emergency is. Is the individual conscious and breathing? Give the location of the victim. Do not move the victim unless the person is in personal danger. Do not hang up until after the person receiving the information hangs up.
Stay with the victim until help arrives and you are relieved. If the victim stops breathing, there is no pulse, and you are CPR trained, please start CPR. Only those certified in CPR should attempt this procedure.
The Student Health Center can be contacted to respond to emergencies, also at ext. 7163.
When you visit the Student Health Center, you have the right to privacy, respect, and confidentiality and to be treated with dignity.
All records are confidential and cannot be released to ANYONE without your written consent. The only exception is subpoena by court order or when information is required by public health law.
All personnel employed in the Student Health Center will maintain total confidentiality as required by law.
In addition to the services provided by the Student Health Center, your health fee includes accident insurance coverage for you while you are attending classes, or college-sponsored activities which are authorized, calendared and supervised. This is a secondary insurance which means you must submit any claims to your private insurance before this policy applies. If you sustain an injury which you think may be covered contact the Campus Business Office in Room 628. For further information contact the Student Health Center or the Office of Student Life, Room 1424.
Any Campus phone: 911
Any Cell phone: (707) 421-7090
Any Pay phone: 911
You are welcome to drop-in for care or make an appointment by calling (707) 864-7163. Visit us and become acquainted.
Students interested in purchasing insurance should access the Covered California website at
KICK THE BUTTS in Solano County
1-800-287-7357 or (707) 784-8900
Without a prescription: Gum, Patch, Lozenge
With a prescription: Inhaler, Nasal Spray
Personal Doctor
Health Insurance Plan
Employer-Sponsored Program